Glossary |
Glossary "T"
- T-cells- white blood
cells which facilitate the immune system.
- tachycardia- an
abnormally rapid heart rate.
- tendon- a tough cord
or band of dense white fibrous connective tissue
that unites a muscle with some other part.
- thiol- a sulfhydryl
compound. An example is vitamin B-1 (thiamine).
- thoracic- pertaining
to the chest or thorax.
- thrombogenic-
causes blood clots to form.
- thrombosis- blood
clot blocking a blood vessel.
- thromboxane A2-
a hormone that causes blood to clot
- thymocyte- white
blood cell arising in or processed in the thymus.
- thymus- a glandular
structure of largely lymphoid tissue that functions
in the development of the body's immune system,
located in the upper chest or at the base of the
- tissue culture-
the growth of cells as tissue in a special medium.
While the properties of tissue in culture differs in
some ways from tissues in the body, particularly in
lacking many of the protective mechanisms of the
whole animal, tissue culture research can provide
valuable data at relatively low cost.
- tonic- often used in
traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic medicine,
tonics are often taken as a preventative measure to
nurture and enliven.
- tonsillitis- an
inflammation of the tonsil.
- topical- applied
- toxic- poisonous. Toxic
effects of a substance are dependent on the dose. At
sufficiently high doses, air, water, anything, even
the inert gas helium, is toxic. (High pressure
helium causes lethal convulsions even when adequate
oxygen is present.)
- transformation-
the process whereby a normal cell turns into a
cancer cell. This process involves cellular de
different action.
- Tricarboxylic
Acid Cycle- See Citric Acid Cycle.
- triglycerides-
a combination of glycerol with three to five
different fatty acids.
- triplet oxygen-
oxygen in an excited electronic state in which the
oxygen atom has two single electrons in two high
energy orbitals with their spins in the same
direction. Because of the unpaired electrons,
triplet oxygen is even more highly reactive than
singlet oxygen, and can cause biological damage.
Under physiological conditions, triplet oxygen very
rapidly decays to somewhat less energetic singlet
oxygen. Beta-carotene and other carotenoids quench
both triplet and cited triplet state (it has two
unpaired electrons), which is why it is both a good
free radical initiator and scavenger.
- tumor- an abnormal mass
of tissue that is not inflammatory, arises without
obvious cause from cells, and possesses no
physiological function.
- tumorigenesis-
the process of initiating a tumor.
The reader is cautioned
that this is not an all-inclusive reference, but a necessarily selective
source of information intended to suggest the scope of the issue
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