Glossary |
Glossary "N"
- NaPCA-the sodium salt
of pyrollidone carboxylic acid, the primary natural
moisturizer found in human skin.
- NE-see norepinephrine.
- nervine- nervines
help the nervous system and can be subdivided into
three groups. Nervine tonics strengthen and restore
the nervous system. Nervine relaxants ease anxiety
and tension by soothing both body and mind. Nervine
stimulants directly stimulate nerve activity.
- neurites- thin
tendrils growing from each neuron inn the brain in
large numbers, through which the neurons communicate
with each other. There may be over 1000,000 neurites
growing from a single neuron. The natural hormone
nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulates growth of
neurites (required for learning). Hydergine R (Sandoz)
may also stimulate neurite growth via the same
mechanism as nerve growth factor.
- neurochemical-
a chemical found in and active in the nervous
- neurological-
pertaining to the study of nervous diseases.
- neuromodulators-
substances that modify nerve function.
- neuromuscular-
concerning both the nerves and the muscles.
- neurons- nerve cells.
- neurotoxicity-
having the capability of harming nerve tissue.
- neurotransmitters-
substances that transmit nerve impulses to the
- NGF-nerve growth factor,
a hormone important in the growth of nerves.
- niacin-a form of
vitamin B-3, also called nicotinic acid.
- nitrosamines-cancer
causing chemicals formed by the chemical combination
of nitrites and amines (found in proteins and many
other organic molecules). Some bacteria make
nitrites in the gut, even in the absence of dietary
nitrite or nitrate. The formation of nitrosamines
can be blocked by vitamin C.
- noradrenaline-
see norepinephrine.
- norepinephrine-an
important brain neurotransmitter (chemical which
enables brain cells to communicate with each other)
which plays a role in primitive drives and emotions
such as motivation, aggression, and acquisition of
food and sex, and body movement. It is sometimes
called noradrenaline and is, in fact, the brain's
version of adrenaline.
- normobaric-normal
oxygen pressure.
- nosode- a nosode is a
potentialized homeopathic remedy prepared from
diseased tissue, such as bacteria, viruses, or pus,
to treat the associated disease of the tissue
- nucleases-enzymes
that take strings of nucleic acids apart.
The reader is cautioned
that this is not an all-inclusive reference, but a necessarily selective
source of information intended to suggest the scope of the issue
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