Glossary |
Glossary "G"
- gaba-gamma
aminobutyric acid- GABA is an amino acid
which functions as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in
the central nervous system.
- gastroenteritis-
inflammation of the stomach and intestinal tract.
- gastrointestinal
system- pertaining to the stomach and
- gene- the basic unit of
DNA in chromosomes which codes for a protein or
affects the expression of genetic information.
- genitourinary
system- pertaining to the genitals and
urinary organs.
- geopathic stress-
stress to the human body caused by harmful radiation
from the earth.
- GH- see growth hormone.
- giardia lamblia-
a parasitic infection transmitted by an ingestion of
in focally contaminated water or food.
- glucose- blood sugar;
an intermediate in the metabolism
of carbohydrates
in the body.
- glutamate
or glutamic acid-an excitatory amino acid
neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.
- glutathione
peroxidase- selenium - and - cysteine -
containing enzyme which, with the required help of
reduced glutathione, catalyzes the breakdown of
peroxides, while controlling the potentially
dangerous free radicals. It also directly scavenges
free radicals.
- glycine- aminoacetic
acid the simplest amino acid. It is an inhibitory
neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.
- glycogen- glycogen
is the form in which carbohydrates
are stored in the human body for future conversion
into sugar and for use in performing muscular work
and distributing heat through the body. Glycogen is
formed from sugar and is transformed into glucose
as needed.
- glycoproteins-
proteins combined with sugar.
- Gompertz Law-a
mathematical description of the fact that, as the
human population ages, the number of survivors drop
off, eventually reaching zero.
Expressed mathematically as:
Rm= -1/n x dn/dt =Ro x ealpha x t
where n = population size at time tdn/dt = death
Ro= a constant, the mortality rate at t = 0
alpha = a constant
t = age
Rm = mortality rate
- growth hormone-(GH)
a polypeptide hormone secreted by the anterior lobe
of the pituitary gland in the brain. Growth hormone
plays a crucial role in growth and repair, as well
as stimulating the immune system. The GH peaks
during sleep which are typical of young people are
frequently absent or small in older people, and in
those who are obese.
The reader is cautioned
that this is not an all-inclusive reference, but a necessarily selective
source of information intended to suggest the scope of the issue
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