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Anthony Coiro, the doctor's prognosis was Ulcerative Colitis

Dear Mr. Rubin,

I would sincerely like to take this opportunity and time to convey mt personal experience with the usage of your product - "PRIMAL DEFENSETM HSOTM Immune Formula". To this date, words alone cannot express enough how immensely pleased and satisfied I am with achieving some positive benefits and significant improvements in my health.

In December of 1996, after complaints of finding traces of blood in my formed stools, I was diagnosed with proctitis, an inflammatory bowel disease primarily confined to the sigmoid of the lower rectum. subsequently, as the year and months progressed my symptoms grew worse - leftside bloating and pain of the left side, inflammation, rectal bleeding, blood mucus, uncontollable bowel movements, up to 5 to 7 times per day and weight loss. Obviously the condition had been deteriorating over time and the last colonoscopy had revealed that there was inflammation, sores, and ulceration now along the entire descending colon along the left side of the large intestine. The doctor's prognosis was Ulcerative Colitis.

In the course of the last 4 years I have seen no fewer than 4 gastroenterologist specialists and consulted with numerous alternative health care providers ranging from holistic doctors, Traditional Chinese doctors, homeopathic doctors, certified herbalists, naturopaths, Tibetan doctors and so forth. I had been prescribed and experimented with all known traditional herbs, supplements, and endless remedies documented to aid and/or alleviate and treat bowel diseases, but to no avail.

Then in late April of 2000. with hope dwindling, I came across one empathetic individual by the name of Jerry Zeifman. He encouraged me to try the PRIMAL DEFENSETM HSOTM Immune Formula product. I was reluctant at first, but after reading some literature and one specific booklet called "Byond Probiotics", I resigned myself to giving it a go. I followed the protocol outlined in the booklet and after several weeks I started to notice some positive benefits in my condition. Going forward the improvement gradually continued to a point where today I can report that I have no pain or discomfort on the left side, no bloating, no visible sign of blood or mucus from the rectum or in the stools, 1 to 2 formed bowel movements a day, and my weight has increased by 17 pounds. I have to thank the Lord God Jesus for that encounter with Jerry who introduced me to the PRIMAL DEFENSETM product, for it was truly a blesssing that has had a profound impact not only on my health but also on my life.

Yours truly,
Anthony Coiro
Toronto, Canada

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