started eliminating normally after only
three days!...
I "zapped" myself with a
function generator for some infections.
It cleared the infections up, but I also
was unable to eliminate anymore. If must
have wiped out my intestinal flora.
Eating yogurt did not cause it to spring
back as suggested in the book. I had to
resort to laxatives and other means. I
also tried probiotics that can be bought
at GNC. They would help only slightly
and would never plant themselves
permanently. I know going to a regular
doctor wouldn't solve the problem. I
read what the Merck Manual said about
"irritable bowel" treatment
and they would just treat symptoms. I
felt terrible, started losing weight
because I didn't want to eat, and was
becoming despondent. I found your
product, Primal Defense, on a web site
while I was looking for anything that
would help. I thought I might as well
give it a try, though it sounded too
good to be true. I have to be honest, I
didn't ramp up as slowly as suggested. I
started with three pills the first day.
I started eliminating normally after
only three days! It feel great! I'm
going to stick with the 90 day program
and then decide what to do from there.
Thank you very much! I have my life
back! Not only that, but I feel more
alert, can remember things better, and
can mentally focus better. Thank you,
-Dean Wagner
Elon, NC
Doctors Health Supply, and its staff
of Doctors, are dedicated to providing
the latest and highest quality of information
on the natural approaches to healing and
preventative health maintenance. With this
in mind, we are proud to present the
Garden of Life line of health products.