A New Revolutionary Women's Health
here to order 60 caplets $29.95 |
- RevivAllTM
is designed to promote female health
- RevivAllTM
contains over 19 nutrient-dense
whole foods & herbs
- RevivAllTM
contains a specially selected Red
Clover Extract (18% standardized)
- RevivAllTM
contains a powerful phytosterol
& sterolin blend
- RevivAllTM
utilizes the UltraZorbeTM
caplet delivery system
- RevivAllTM
is formulated using the Poten-ZymeTM
process for increased nutrient
is RevivAllTMFemale
Vitality Formula Necessary?
For many years, most of the research
on health was done on men. Not until
recently have science and research
realized that women exhibit markedly
different health symptoms and
progression of diseases. Women have
quite special needs due, in large
part, to their unique and complex
hormonal, physiological, chemical,
and structural makeup. Garden of
LifeTM has now formulated
RevivAllTM Female
Vitality Formula, which is designed
to address the specific and unique
health challenges facing women
today. As women age, their estrogen
and progesterone levels drop
significantly. This leads to an
array of uncomfortable health
problems including: hormonal
imbalances, arthritic and joint
pain, irregular periods, fibrocystic
breasts, food and environmental
allergies, menopausal symptoms,
decreased sex drive, hot flashes,
mood swings, lack of energy, weight
gain, diabetes, weakened immune
system, osteoporosis, increased risk
of cancer, and depression. Dr. John
R. Lee, M.D., believes that estrogen
dominance is prevalent in our
industrialized societies due to a
number of factors. These include
estrogen replacement therapy, the
use of birth control pills, and
hysterectomies. Xenoestrogens, which
are foreign substances originating
outside the body that have
estrogenic-like activity, may also
contribute to hormonal and chemical
imbalances within the female system.
Consuming Phytonutrient rich whole
foods such as thoses contained in
RevivAllTM is a great way
to maintain optimal female health
throughout your lifetime.
What Is In RevivAllTM
Female Vitality Formula?
RevivAllTM Female
Vitality Formula contains the
highest quality certified organic or
chemical free ingredients. The
specific whole foods and herbs are
chosen for their unique and powerful
immune-enhancing properties, hormone
regulating functions, and female
health promoting factors. Many other
products on the market today contain
only one or two ingredients, thus
offering very limited therapeutic
benefits. RevivAllTM
Female Vitality Formula contains
over 19 different foods and herbs
containing a multitude of vitamins,
minerals, enzymes, proteins, amino
acids, antioxidants, and
phytonutrients, as well as the many
known and unknown factors contained
in "live" foods and herbs.
Whole Food Vitality Blend
Organic Garbanzo Beans:
Garbanzo beans are one of the most
nutritious of all the legumes and
contain high amounts of calcium,
phosphorus, and potassium. They have
an exceptionally high iron and
vitamin C content as well as contain
B complex vitamins. Garbanzo beans
are rich in essential fats and
contain large amounts of isoflavones
and have shown to help maintain
cardiovascular health and
cholesterol levels.
Organic Red Lentil: Since
Biblical times, the lentil has
nourished healthy people across the
world. Lentils are very high in
protein and molybdenum (an element
which plays an important role in
protein assimilation), iron
absorption, fat oxidation, and
normal cell function. Lentils
provide a rich source of calcium,
phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron,
and B complex vitamins.
Organic Soy Beans: The soy
beans contained in the RevivAllTM
Female Vitality Forumula are
predigested using the revolutionary
Poten-ZymeTM process of
lacto-fermentation thus eliminating
nutrient inhibitors and enhancing
utilization. Fermented soy is better
tolerated and much more bioavailable
than traditionally processed soy
beans. Soy contains powerful
phytoestrogens that mimic natural
estrogen. Women who consume large
amounts of legumes appear to have
relatively symptom-free menopause
and less incidence of breast cancer.
Isoflavones may also be beneficial
in helping to balance estrogen
levels and maintain healthy bones.
Organic Flax Seed: Flax seed
is nature's richest source of
Omega-3 fatty acids, which are
vitally important for strengthening
immunity and cleansing the heart and
arterial walls. Flax is the richest
known source of lignans, substances
that contain anti-viral,
anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and
anti-cancer properties.
Organic Sunflower Seed:
Sunflower seeds provide excellent
quality protein and are loaded with
nutrients such as calcium, iron,
magnesium, phosphorus, and
Organic Azuki Beans: Azuki
beans have been used in the Far East
for centuries to regulate the bowel
and strengthen the kidneys. Azuki
beans have been used traditionally
as a diuretic and to promote weight
Organic Kidney Beans: Kidney
beans have a positive influence on
the heart, circulatory system, and
small intestine.
Organic Brown Rice: Brown
rice is a concentrated source of B
vitamins and therefore is beneficial
for the nervous system and helps to
alleviate mental depression. Brown
rice is also an excellent source of
tocotrienols, a member of the
vitamin E family studied extensively
for its antioxidant capabilities.
Herbal Vitality Blend
Organic Imopotea (New Guinea
Sweet Potato): Imopotea contains
one of the highest concentrations of
beta-carotene found in any food or
herb on earth. Beta-carotene has
been proven to protect against
cancer, colds, flu, infection, and
Wild Yam: Diosgenin, a
compound found in wild yam, has been
used extensively for the treatment
of arthritis, asthma, eczema, in
regulating metabolic function, and
to improve virility. The diosgenin
molecule is similar in structure to
progesterone, which is produced in
the body. RevivallTM
Female Vitality Formula contains
diosgenin rich imopotea and wild yam
in a highly bioavailable form
containing all of the essential
Dong Quai: Dong Quai is often
called "female ginseng".
It has been used in China for
centuries in regulating the
menstrual cycle and easing menstrual
pain and cramping. It has also
proven effective in relieving hot
flashes. It contains phytoestrogens
which are believed to help regulate
estrogen levels by competing for and
blocking estrogen sites. It is
further believed to be useful in the
premenopausal years and in
maintaining a healthy menstrual
Black Cohosh: Black Cohosh
has been used in Europe for
menopause support for over 40 years.
By 1962, at least 14 clinical
studies had been published with
results consistently revealing that
black cohosh is extremely beneficial
for premenopausal and menopausal
symptoms such as hot flashes and
Licorice: Licorice helps to
support the adrenal glands and
stimulate the excretion of hormones
from the adrenal cortex. Licorice
may also be used to stabilize the
menstrual cycle when coming off
"the Pill".
Horse Chestnut: This unique
herb helps improve circulation,
strengthen capillary walls, and
assist in dispersing varicose veins.
Chaste Tree Berry: The
essential oils and compounds found
in this herb may be helpful in
regulating and normalizing the
menstrual cycle, as has been shown
in Europe for centuries. Two
clinical studies conducted in
Germany show positive results with
the use of Chaste Tree Berry. Both
trials included over 1,500 women,
and both patients and physicians
reported over 90 percent relief from
symptoms of PMS, including bloating
and depression, after just one
Red Clover Extract (standardized
clover extract containing over 18%
Isoflavones): Clover contains
over four important plant estrogens.
In doctor-monitored clinical trials,
an extract from clover reduced hot
flashes by 56% without the common
side effects associated with hormone
replacement therapy. In vitro
studies suggest that the
phytoestrogens in red clover,
particularly Genistin, Daidzein, and
Biochamin A, inhibit the growth of
breast cancer cells by occupying
estrogen receptors when estrogen
levels are too high. Isoflavones
found in red clover can help boost
natural estrogen levels to prevent
bone loss.
Phytosterol Blend
Phytosterols and Sterolins: Plant
sterols are plant "fats"
and are present in all vegetable
foods. They are biologically active
molecules isolated from plants
called "phytochemicals"
which have been clinically proven to
significantly modulate the effects
of the immune system. Sterols and
sterolins can also naturally
increase levels of the super hormone
DHEA. Scientists believe
phytosterols and sterolins have the
ability to actually "turn
off" the factors that can
initiate the inflammation process.
Phytosterols and sterolins may block
the development of tumors in the
colon and breast by altering cell
membrane transfer in tumor growth.
"When we treated breast cancer
and colon cancer cells with
phytosterols, cell proliferation was
inhibited." Press release:
University at Buffalo, State
University of New York, 4/29/99.
The Poten-ZymeTM
The nutrient dense foods and herb
blends in RevivAllTM
Female Vitality Formula are
pre-digested using the proprietary
Poten-ZymeTM process (Poten-tiation
by Enzym-atic activation). This
proprietary process is an exclusive
natural process of
lacto-fermentation and enzymatic
predigestion within a matrix of
carefully selected whole foods. The
bioavailablity and absorption of
nutrients using this unique process
is increased from 2-5 times. Many
people with sensitive digestive
systems have a difficult time
obtaining nutrition from grains,
seeds and legumes. The Poten-ZymeTM
process solves this problem. The
Poten-ZymeTM process
creates and liberates valuable
compounds within the foods,
including: enzymes, antioxidants,
beta glucans, phytosterols, and many
The UltraZorbeTM
Caplet Delivery System
The UltraZorbeTM caplet
delivery system (Ultra-absorption)
is a revolutionary technology
whereby all nutrients and
ingredients in RevivAllTM
Female Vitality Formula retain their
maximum nutritive content,
viability, and "live" food
and herbal properties. The
UltraZorbeTM caplet
delivery system accomplishes this
without the use of heat, animal
products, traditional binders,
fillers, or excipients. UltraZorbeTM
caplets are designed to provide
rapid disintegration and
dissolution, thus delivering the
desired nutrients in the most
efficient and effective time frame
Statements in this brochure have
not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration. These products
are not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure, or prevent any disease, but
rather are dietary supplements
intended solely for nutritional use.