Defense for Candida Overgrowth
The best defense against candidiasis, also known as yeast
infection or thrush, could well be use of homeostatic soil organisms, or HSOs as
they are now known.
by Jordan Rubin, N.M.D., C.N.C.
In January 2000, physician skeptic Paul A. Goldberg, M.P.H., D.C., professor of
gastroenterology and public health at Life Chiropractic College, came across
promotional materials about Primal Defense™ with HSOs. Essentially, Primal
Defense HSOs are soil organisms that were obtained from a pristine environment
and are thought to be as old as the earth itself. Because so many people with
various gastrointestinal disorders and other maladies such as chronic fatigue
have made themselves well again by using these beneficial soil organisms, a
number of Dr. Goldberg’s patients who had heard the reports began to question
him about Primal Defense.
Dr. Goldberg is not a big fan of nutritional
supplements. He believes the claims surrounding products often exaggerate their
benefits. He therefore challenged us at Garden of Life (manufacturer of Primal
Defense) to allow him to do his own study utilizing a patient population that
had been largely unresponsive to a wide range of medical treatments to see
whether this formula could live up to its claims.*
Among the very positive results obtained for a
wide range of conditions (ranging from asthma and poor lung function to
constipation, psoriasis and various types of gastrointestinal upset), the
results revealed an appreciable lowering in candida yeast counts in each of the
eight subjects who showed elevated yeast counts initially, as verified by stool
and blood testing before and after administration of the HSOs.
Let me repeat: Every patient with
elevated candida levels had a significant reduction. No subjects exhibited any
significant increase in yeast counts. Two subjects had candida antibody titers
done prior to and after the protocol. Both showed a significant reduction in
their titers along with pronounced clinical improvement in their symptoms
(see table).

Candida Background & Emerging Drug
Candida vaginitis is one of the most frequent infections of the female genital
tract. Approximately 75 percent of sexually active women suffer at least one
episode of candida vaginitis and 10 percent have recurrent episodes. (Pregnancy,
diabetes mellitus and antibiotic treatment are the most common predisposing
factors.) Most women rely on use of prescription medications to eliminate
Only recently, federal regulators allowed drug
makers to offer over-the-counter yeast infections without a prescription.
Diflucan (fluconazole), for example, is now approved for the nonprescription
treatment of vaginal yeast infection. Suddenly, it seems, women have become
acutely aware of yeast infection syndrome. Many women assume every vulvar or
vaginal itch they have is due to candida overgrowth. But, sometimes, the problem
isn’t specifically yeast infection. So women have to be careful when
self-diagnosing and self-medicating.
The problem is that, when you expose naturally
occurring vaginal yeast to these drugs anyway, some of the yeast die but others
with a slightly different genetic makeup turn out to be resistant. These
resistant yeast strains thrive and multiply. Thus, when women really do have
yeast infection, these resistant strains of yeast are now more and more often
drug resistant. Running to the pharmacy for an OTC medication simply won’t
work, notes a health expert. So women must go to their doctor for a much
stronger medication. In one clinical study, fluconazole-resistant Candida
albicans yeast was found in 13.46 percent of cases.
In addition, when OTC remedies fail to work,
doctors may prescribe oral Nizoral (ketoconazole) or Sporanox (itraconazole).
Although these are not approved for the treatment of vaginal yeast infection,
they are, in fact, reserved for chronic, complicated, recurrent fungal
Fungal Defense is beneficial when
used for the following conditions:
vaginitis |
jock itch |
oral thrush |
athlete's foot |
food allergies |
gastrointestinal problems |
bowel disorders |
canker sores |
ear and sinus irritation |
ringworm |
intense itching |
environmental sensitivities |
However, in the case of Sporanox, be aware of
severe toxicity, adverse drug reactions and drug interactions. The Food and Drug
Administration believes that there is a small but real risk of developing
congestive heart failure associated with Sporanox therapy. Sporanox has also
been associated with serious liver toxicity, including liver failure and death,
with some cases involving patients who had neither pre-existing liver disease
nor a serious underlying medical condition.
A safe, efficacious method of treating yeast
infection is clearly desirable.
Safety & Efficacy Combined in Fungal
Additional clinical study results and data from thousands of patients who have
used the HSOs demonstrate conclusively that these beneficial probiotics are
extremely effective in elimination of systemic candida overgrowth—and for
other types of fungal infections.
Based on these results, we have done two things.
First, our HSOs have been approved for a double-blind placebo-controlled study
to reverse leaky gut syndrome and chronic candidiasis at Southwest College of
Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences, Tempe, Arizona. The study, from a
National Institutes of Health-approved institution, should further confirm their
safety and efficacy. Second, we felt we could improve this specific application
of the HSOs in Primal Defense by combining them with specific anti-fungal herbs
in a newly introduced formula called Fungal Defense™.
This solves two problems: one is that most women
who use natural healing methods usually end up purchasing several different
products, including a probiotic formula and one or more anti-fungal herbal
combinations. With Fungal Defense, there is the need for only one formula.
Second, we are addressing the primary issues of fungal overgrowth without the
use of drugs, thus avoiding drug resistance and adverse effects.
Gut Ecology Disturbed—Understanding the
True Cause of Candida & Fungal Infections
The real culprit in candida yeast and other fungal infections is dysbiosis, a
bowel condition that occurs when the population of organisms residing within the
gastrointestinal tract becomes unbalanced, often resulting in acute or chronic
Normally, populations of pathogenic flora are
kept in balance by competition from good bacteria and because of symbiosis,
which is the mutually interdependent relationship among the hundreds of
intestinal microbial species. The problem is that after antibiotics have wiped
out all or much of the entire gastrointestinal landscape, the bad bacteria have
the upper hand, because they love the types of foods and complex sugars that we
typically consume in our diet, especially refined sugar found in candy, baked
goods and soft drinks.
So, when antibiotics disturb the balance of good
and bad bacteria, it’s the bad bacteria that get the head start in
repopulating the barren property within your gastrointestinal tract.
Repeated use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and
steroid medications can set up conditions for opportunistic overgrowth of
organisms that are not affected by the drugs or that are able to re-colonize
rapidly once treatment has ended. This is particularly true of yeast and fungal
organisms. I can’t tell you how often we hear from patients treated with
antibiotics, especially women patients, whose bodies are overrun by candida. For
men, such treatment often results in residual urinary tract bacteria, resulting
in urinary tract infections and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate
With HSOs, we have some of the strongest,
toughest beneficial bacterial strains common to the human body. When patients
ingest HSOs, these microorganisms take up residence both in the gastrointestinal
and vaginal tissues. They displace harmful pathogenic fungal species, causing
their populations to decline dramatically, restoring homeostatic balance. They
also produce bactericidal chemicals that decimate pathogenic bacterial strains.
Cellulase Destroys Candida Cell Walls
The cell walls of fungal cells are composed of chitin, the same protein that
gives strength to the exoskeletons of insects and that is similar to the fiber
cellulose. The membrane of the candida yeast, in particular, is composed largely
of chitin. As such it is thought to be vulnerable to digestion by cellulase, a
fiber-digesting enzyme not produced by the human body. For example, Russian
scientists now use the proprietary cellulase enzyme Celloviridine G20x to
breakdown chitin, according to a recent report from the Bioinzheneriya Center,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. With the cell wall decimated, the candida
yeast dies. That is why we include cellulase in the formula. Protease, another
enzyme we have included, is also important to assure that none of the toxic
fungal byproducts produced as the candida yeast dies are able to exert any
poisonous effects to the blood. Thus, we avoid any kind of toxic byproducts of
the healing process.
HSOs, we have some of the strongest, toughest beneficial bacterial strains
common to the human body. When patients ingest HSOs, these microorganisms take
up residence both in hte gastrointestinal and vaginal tissues. They displace
harmful pathogenic fungal species, causing their populations to decline
dramatically, restoring homeostatic balance. They also produce bacterial
chemicals that decimate pathogenic bacterial strains.
Fungal Defense also provides traditional
antimicrobial herbs, including wild oregano with carvacrol and thymol; olive
leaf extract—standardized to provide 20 percent oleuropins; and two freshly
juiced botanicals, garlic and yucca. Our Poten-Zyme fermentation process further
potentiates the garlic and yucca.
Including each of these herbs is important for
insuring complete resolution of symptoms. Each of these herbs has strong
antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal activities. So they will be good for
your overall health in many ways besides directly taking care of candida
I mention this because, as I stated earlier, not
all so-called “yeast type” infections are due to solely to candida
overgrowth. In fact, some are protozoal in nature and could cause patients to be
prescribed far more toxic medications such as Flagyl (metronidazole), which has
caused “noteworthy” excesses of breast cancer in rodents and is
characterized as having “considerable carcinogenic potential.”
Disclaimer: These Articles and or
information are not intended to mitigate the symptoms or cure the specific
diagnosis of cancer or cancer related disease states.