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Rejuvenation Formulations

It is possible to slow down aging and even to restore health to the point that one can be said to have experienced rejuvenation. The Chinese tonic herbs are superb tools that are used for this very purpose. Actually, most of the tonics can contribute to rejuvenation. But their are a few formulations that have been used for centuries to aid in rejuvenation.  More information...

To build a complete three treasures program pick one product from each of the first three categories. You can then optionally add a protective formula and any number of the 'add-on' formulas. Click on a product name to get detailed product information.


Category Silver Jade Gold
Jing Shou Wu Formulation (100 Caps) $18 Return to Youth Formula (100 Caps) $21 Ant Essence Capsules (100 caps) $26
Qi Ginseng Nutritive Combination (100 caps) $23 Endocrine Health (100 caps) $26 Endocrine Health (100 caps) $26
Shen Stabilizing Bupleurum and Dragon Bone Combination (100 caps) $19 Duanwood Reishi (100 Caps) $36 Duanwood Reishi (100 Caps) $36
Protective Supreme Protector (100 Caps) $36 Supreme Protector (100 Caps) $36 Supreme Protector (100 Caps) $36
Special Spring Dragon Longevity Tea (20 bags) $9 Spring Dragon Longevity Tea (20 bags) $9 Earth Drops Wild Ginseng (2 oz) $150
TOTAL Click Here to Order Silver Package $105 Click Here to Order Jade Package $128 Click Here to Order Gold Package $274


Click Here for more information or to buy Add-On Formulations
500 Ginseng Drops (2 oz) $150
Cordyceps (100 Caps) $36
Earth Drops Wild Ginseng (2 oz) $150
Ginseng Sublime (2 oz) $39.00 (100 Caps) $39
Heaven Drops Wild Ginseng (2 oz) $350
Schizandra and Lycium Drops (2 oz.) $22 Spring Dragon Longevity Tea (20 bags) $9

Rejuvenation Formulations

Rejuvenation Formulas help you in such a way that you appear and feel younger. Several herbs are very famous in the Orient for helping rejuvenate people. Polygonum (He Shou Wu), Lycium Fruit, Cordyceps, Gynostemma and Ginseng, among others. Therefore the formulations for rejuvenation feature these herbs. Shou Wu Formulation (and its close relative Ant Essence Capsules) can have a quick and profound effect. Return to Youth Formula is an 1100 year old formula who's name tells the whole story. In general Yin JIng will help you look younger. Pearl, Reishi and other similar immune protecting herbs are also very important.


Several formulations have been used form many centuries to rejuvenate the body and mind and for the maintenance of youthful vigor. They are among the greatest tonic herbal formulations every designed I have found them to be almost unfailing in their effectiveness when taken consistently over a reasonable period of time.

Ginseng Nutritive Combination is arguably the greatest general three treasures tonic in Chinese classical herbalism. It has been my favorite for many years. It is a superb general tonic, tonifying all three treasures: Jing, Qi and Shen; and all five primary organ systems: Kidneys (Water), Liver (Wood), Heart (Fire), Spleen (Earth) and Lungs (Metal). Virtually anybody can benefit from this formula.

Ginseng Nutritive Combination has been used for centuries as a tonic for poor memory, anxiety, insomnia, night sweats, absent-mindedness, weakness from overexertion, fatigue, dry skin, palpitations, premature ejaculation, impotence, infertility, hair loss and blood deficient pallor. This is a great rejuvenation formula.

Return to Youth Formula is one of the greatest of all tonic formulations, and is in particular a superb Yin and Yang Jing tonic. This formula influences primarily the Kidney function (both Yin and Yang). It is also considered to be a Heart, Liver and Spleen tonic. In addition, Return to Youth Formula is an excellent blood tonic. It is used to strengthen the entire body, and is especially respected as a brain tonic. It is highly regarded as a long term sexual tonic for both men and women. Return to Youth Formula is used to strengthen the legs and the back. It is a major "rejuvenation formula".

Return to Youth Formula traditionally is used to help correct the following conditions: weakening of the sense organs, loss of memory and the ability to concentrate, general weakness, chronic fatigue, night sweats, impotence and general lack of libido, infertility, premature aging and rapid degeneration.

Return to Youth Formula forms the foundation of a number of other major Jing formulations including Supreme Creation, which is the "imperial version." Supreme Creation adds Deer Antler, Placenta and Ginseng to the mix. This superb tonic is suited to men and women of all ages.

Super Shou Wu Combination is an superb rejuvenation formulation. It is suitable to anybody who is experiencing chronic fatigue, depression, loss of sexual drive, premature aging. It can form the base of a superb tonic program. This formula contains Siberian Ginseng, so it can have an immediate energizing effect on many people. This formulation is extremely well suited for older people who want to regain their zest. However, it is also great for young people who are exhausted.

You may wish to examine the sections on Adaptability Enhancement, Beauty from Within, and Sexuality.


The reader is cautioned that this is not an all-inclusive reference, but a necessarily selective source of information intended to suggest the scope of the issue herein.

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