Herb Programs
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Adaptability is the measure of your life. How well you
adapt to the world and to all of the stresses of your
life determines how successful you are in life. If you
have the energy and the wisdom to take on big
challenges, to overcome obstacles, and succeed, you are
virtually assured of success in life. We call the herbs
that enhance our adaptability adaptogenic herbs.
Adaptogenic herbs tend to increase our ability to adapt
to stress. Adaptogenic herbs are arguably the most
important herbal supplements in the world. More
To build a complete three treasures program
pick one product from each of the first three
categories. You can then optionally add a protective
formula and any number of the 'add-on' formulas. Click
on a product name to get detailed product information.
Category |
Silver |
Jade |
Gold |
Jing |
Garden (100 caps) $27 |
Essence (2 oz) $26 |
Creation (100 Caps) $55 |
Adaptogenic |
Adaptogen (100 Caps) $23 |
Health (100 caps) $26 |
Pill (100 caps) $52 |
Shen |
Reishi (100 Caps) $36 |
Reishi (100 Caps) $36 |
Immortals (2 oz) $55 |
Protection |
Dragon Longevity Tea (20 bags) $9 |
Protector (100 Caps) $36 |
2000 (100 Caps) $65 |
Here to Order Silver Package for $95 |
Here to Order Jade Package for $124 |
Here to Order Gold Package for $227 |
(100 Caps) $36
Drops Wild Ginseng (2 oz) $150
Ginseng Sublime (2 oz) $39.00 (100 Caps) $39
Drops Wild Ginseng (2 oz) $350
and Lycium Drops (2 oz.) $22
Siberian Ginseng (100 Caps) $35.95
Dragon Longevity Tea (20 bags) $9 |
are a number of modern formulations that feature the
super-adaptogens. Ron Teeguarden has developed a number
of such formulas for QualityChineseHerbs.com. Super
Adaptogen Formulation is capable of building
abundant adaptive Qi and is the perfect herbal
supplement for those who want to get the most out of
life. It is a powerful adaptogenic formulation designed
to provide an abundance of the kind of Qi that allows
you to perform optimally under all circumstances.
Super Adaptogen is a very safe formulation. It has a
neutral energy and is extremely well balanced. It is
suitable to young and old, males and females, frail or
In addition, the major classic Qi tonic formulations are
highly adaptogenic. Ten Complete Supertonic Combination,
Ginseng and Astragalus Combination, Formula for
Restoring the Pulse, and Ginseng Nutritive Combination
are superb classic adaptogenic formulas. You may select
one of these as your Qi Formula if one appeals to you.
Discussion of the Principles of Adaptability
Human beings are intimately interconnected with our
environment. Any change in the environment influences us
both physically and psychically. How we handle such
changes, how we adapt to the changes in our environment
and to the stresses of life, will be the determining
factor in our health and well-being. Conversely, as we
change, the environment around us will be influenced and
will reflect our changes. The greatness of Oriental
natural philosophy lies, to a great degree, in its
subtlety and breadth of vision with regard to the
connection between the human being and their
environment. The tonic herbalist recognizes such
environmental influences as the change of seasons, wind,
heat, cold, dryness, moisture, and so on, as fundamental
causative factors in one's health as well as one's dis-ease.
Modern civilization provides a whole range of additional
factors that require our adaptability. Time pressures,
chronic over stimulation of the mind and senses, social
pressures, pollution, sedentary lifestyles, etc., all
require the body to adapt appropriately.
Adaptability requires energy. The greater the stresses
of life and the more dynamic the changes in one's life,
the greater the requirement for adaptive energy. The
very purpose of using Chinese tonic herbs is to aid the
body-mind in its adaptive needs. The greatness of the
Chinese tonic herbs lies in their adaptogenic quality;
that is, their ability to enhance the body-mind's
capacity to adapt optimally, accurately and with
endurance, to changes in the environment, and thus to
overcome the stresses of life.
By replenishing the energy of the cells, tissues and
systems that regulate our adaptability, we find
ourselves capable of experiencing life at its fullest.
We find ourselves with increased physical, mental and
emotional endurance. We find ourselves easily handling
stresses that would exhaust others. We find ourselves to
be resilient on every level. This adaptability allows us
to lead a rich, broad, adventurous life -- a greater
life, a more brilliant life, a more satisfying life.
When the body is working very well, it automatically
adapts accurately. This is part of the miraculous
self-regulatory mechanism built into every cell of our
bodies. This accurate adaptability is a key to radiant
health. When you are radiantly healthy, nothing will
bother you. If it抯
hot, the body adjusts and you feel just fine. If it抯
you adapt to that. People who adapt easily tend to be
successful at life. But stress depletes this adaptive
energy. Eventually, if you do not have enough adaptive
Qi, you start to mal-adjust and sooner or later illness
results. In addition, as we become less capable of
adapting, we become more and more aware of the stress
and a vicious cycle occurs.
The Chinese tonic herbs are among the best tools on
earth for combating stress. Obviously, it is better to
avoid excessive stress in the first place. Along with
meditation, yoga, qi gong, and deep breathing
techniques, Chinese tonic herbs are the perfect natural
way to help deal with stress. Throughout the centuries,
the adaptogenic herbs have been revered in many cultures
and today they are becoming recognized as the premier
antiaging herbs. Everyone can benefit by enhancing their
adaptability. It does not matter how healthy you are or
how successful you are at whatever you are doing.
Adaptogenic herbs will eventually improve your
The herbs should not really be taken like drugs to
overcome stress. Tonics aren抰
meant to be used like that. Adaptogenic herbs help the
body to maintain balance under stressful conditions. By
taking the adaptogenic herbs continuously, even when
stressful factors are not strong, we can handle stress
easily and overcome our problems with less agitation,
even when circumstances become extremely stressful. It
has been demonstrated innumerable times in human and
animal studies that the consumption of the adaptogenic
herbs reduces the stress response of the body when we
are exposed to severe acute or chronic stress. Chronic
stress over-response has been proven to be one of the
primary causes of disease, aging and death in humans.
Adaptogenic herbs reduce our stress in part by
mitigating the stress response. In addition, they tend
to increase our energy, strengthen our resistance to
disease and protect our nervous and cardiovascular
systems. Most of the adaptogenic herbs have been
demonstrated to enhance our mental capacity
It takes energy to handle stressful events and forces.
It takes extra energy to thrive in our modern
civilization. The tonic herbs provide that energy. If
you are in a weakened condition and a stressful event
occurs, of course you will feel more vulnerable and more
stressed than if you had plenty of energy to deal with
the problem. That is natural. The point, then, is to
never run out of adaptive energy---always have reserve
energy so that when an emergency happens we can deal
with it without exhausting ourselves.
The Primary Adaptogenic Herbs? The Super-Adaptogens
All of the TONIC herbs used in Chinese tonic herbalism
contribute to our adaptability. That is the very nature
of a "superior herb." They all have
"double-direction" influences on our most
important systems, such as our nervous system and
endocrine system. But some herbs have special
reputations for helping people adapt and to handle
stress in a way that is not damaging and not exhausting.
Here are the super-adaptogens, the herbs that everybody
should be taking to protect themselves from the ravages
of stress.
Reishi, also known by its
Latin name Ganoderma is the perfect herb for these
times. It is strengthening, protective and calming to
the nerves. It is both a potent Qi tonic and the
ultimate Shen tonic. It is also the perfect anti-stress
herb. Being one of the greatest adaptogenic herbs, it
helps to center you. When you抮e
taking Reishi you feel adaptive and you feel protected.
It is without question one of the best anti-stress herb
in the world. It is very safe, so you may use as much as
you like. Be sure you are obtaining genuine
"log-grown" Duanwood or wild Reishi.
Ginseng has been known for its ability to help people
handle stress for thousands of years, and is now used by
millions of people to help handle stress more
effectively. Ginseng should be consumed on a regular
basis so that when stress occurs, the body and mind are
fully energized and ready. Roots should be mature and of
good pedigree.
("Southern Ginseng") is a quintessential
adaptogenic stress-fighting herb. Gynostemma can be
taken as a daily tea to ease tension and build energy.
This remarkable herb is said to be cooling and has
powerful yet very safe anti-inflammatory actions
throughout the body. Many Chinese and Japanese people
consider it to be a "cure-all herb." I take
Gynostemma every day, and I give it to may mother as
Tibetan Rhodiola ("Plateau Ginseng") is an
herb that grows at very high altitudes and under very
harsh conditions. It is one of the greatest adaptogenic
herbs in the world. Several species of Rhodiola are
available, but I have found so far that Tibetan Rhodiola
has the best adaptogenic benefits. It is an outrageously
great adaptogenic herb. It has been shown to improve
cardiovascular functioning, improve concentration and
memory, increase physical endurance and modulate the
immune system. It increases our oxygen supply and many
people claim it improves their mood. It is distinctly
Siberian Ginseng,
also known as Acanthopanax or Eleutherococcus, is the
equal of Ginseng in its adaptogenic capabilities. Some
authorities think it is stronger. Siberian Ginseng
contains saponins which balance the nervous system and
endocrine system. It is a superb herb that prevents the
negative effects of stress. It is widely used by
athletes, astronauts and business people.
Astragalus root has been
one of Asia抯
tonic herbs for over 2000 years. Recent research has
shown that Astragalus is one of the most powerful agents
in the world at regulating the functions of the body. It
is a fundamental Qi tonic and should be a part of any
adaptogenic, anti-stress formula. It is the
quintessential "double-direction" herb.
Cordyceps provides deep
inner power giving you the fortitude to deal with stress
and the endurance to survive. It is one of the most
strengthening tonics in the world. It is a rare fungus
that is now grown without the need for animal material.
It is a powerful immune system modulator and benefits
physical and mental endurance.
Polyrachis Ant has been called the "herb of
kings." As a matter of fact, ant is considered a
premium adaptogenic substance in the same ranks as
Ginseng, Acanthopanax, Schizandra,
Cordyceps, Astragalus,
Ganoderma and Gynostemma,
the superstars of Chinese tonic herbalism. It provides
abundant energy, while helping to protect the body from
the effects of stress. Though it is rare, it is still
highly sought-after in the Orient for its life promoting
attributes. Ant tonics are widely consumed in Asia to
promote strength, sexual vigor and as a powerful
antiaging agent.
American Ginseng is a close relative of Asian Panax
Ginseng. However, it has a moistening and cooling effect
that is absent in Asian Ginsengs. It is the best form of
Ginseng for people who tend to become hot. It is highly
restorative and provides wonderful long term energy.
Schizandra is a major
adaptogenic herb. Schizandra helps keep you relaxed and
alert, improves concentration and strengthens the
nervous system. It helps regulate the liver and is a
major detoxifying herb.
provides the reserve energy necessary to handle just
about any difficulty. They say that constant consumption
of Lycium will beget a cheerful attitude, and there is 抯
like good cheer to overcome stress. Lycium, like the
other super-tonic adaptogens, makes you strong, relaxed
and resilient.
The reader is cautioned
that this is not an all-inclusive reference, but a necessarily selective
source of information intended to suggest the scope of the issue
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