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Vitamin Glossary

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Vitamin B17 The Secret to Anti-Aging

By Alva Irish

William Hoxsey owned a Percheron stallion in Madison County, Illinois. The horse developed a sore on its right hock and, after treatment, the infection spread and became cancerous. Declining the vet's advice to shoot such a valuable animal, Hoxsey put it out to graze and waited. Noticing an improvement, Hoxsey started to monitor the horse's feeding habits.

Three months later, he was able to remove the growth from the horse's leg. Hoxsey developed the herbal formula and became famous throughout Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky for his cures of cancer, sores and fistula in horses.

John C. Hoxsey, grandson of William, modified the treatment for humans and, under the supervision of doctors in Dallas, started to treat cancer. Harry, son of John C., was to establish the largest independent cancer treatment organization in the world with 17 clinics in the USA.

After repeated requests a group of ten independent medical doctors investigated the treatment and, in 1954, issued a statement:

'This clinic now has under treatment or observation between four and five thousand cancer patients. It handles approximately ninety patients per day. Approximately 100 new patients per week come to the Clinic seeking relief, and the evidence we have seen indicates that approximately 90 percent of these are terminal cases.

Over the years the Clinic has accumulated more than 10,000 case histories, photographic studies and X-ray studies from all over the United States, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, Hawaii, the Central Zone and elsewhere. We find as a fact that the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic in Dallas, Texas, is successfully treating pathologically proven cases of cancer, both internal and external, without the use of surgery, radium or X-ray...

Some of those presented before us have been free of symptoms as long as twenty four years, and the physical evidence indicates that they are all enjoying exceptional health at this time...We are willing to assist this Clinic in any way possible in bringing this treatment to the American public. We are willing to use it...on our own patients.

The above statement represents the unanimous findings of this Committee. In testimony thereof we hereby attach our signatures.
S. Edgard Bond M.D. Willard G. Palmer M.D.
Hans Kalm M.D. A.C. Timbs M.D.
Frederick H. Thurston M.D. D.O. E.E. Loffler M.D.
H.B. Mueller M.D. R.C. Bowie M.D.
Benjamin F. Bowers M.D. Roy O. Yeats M.D.

A group of AMA doctor/businessmen offered to buy the formula from Hoxsey, who agreed, providing that his promise to his father, to always treat patients who could not afford to pay, was in the deal. The doctors would have none of this and the campaign to brand Hoxsey as a quack was born. Repeated attempts by Hoxsey to have the therapy evaluated were refused by the cancer industry; whilst the media and political battle raged for decades. One assistant District Attorney arrested Hoxsey over one hundred times within two years: Hoxsey merely paid the bail and returned to the clinic. The official changed sides when his brother was successfully treated for terminal cancer at the Hoxsey clinic.

As the AMA and the cancer business had failed to stop the therapy, the Food and Drug Administration were brought in: FDA agents went to patients' homes and confiscated the medicines upon which the desperate victims depended. Finally, the FDA padlocked all 17 clinics on the same day. Hoxsey being unable to take legal action, on this scale, against the government, decided to go back to his multi-million dollar oil business.

Mildred Nelson, a Hoxsey nurse, took the treatment to Tijuana , Mexico in 1963 and changed the name of the clinic to BioMed. Patients, 90 percent of whom are officially 'terminal', continue to pour into the clinic, which maintains a cure rate of around 80 percent. Johnathon Hartwell, a NCI chemist, confirmed that all the herbs in the Hoxsey formula had proven anti-cancer properties.


The standard macrobiotic diet consists of 50/60% whole grain cereals, 20/25% vegetables, 5/10% beans and sea vegetables, 5% soups.

Macrobiotics is a holistic approach to cancer - and life - including the cultivation of a calm, harmonious approach to society and nature.

'Diet Cured My Killer Cancer'
' a doctor I'd never referred any case of cancer to an "alternative" practitioner. Late in January, I started getting diarrhea and some intestinal ultrasound scan revealed that I had cancer of the pancreas...We both knew the diagnosis was, more or less, a death sentence...I knew the prognosis for my case - it was two to four months survival from the date of diagnosis...We'd found a hospice in Hampstead and made a booking.' - Dr. Hugh Faulkner, then aged 74.

'On the advice of a shiatsu masseuse he decided to have a consultation at the Community Health Foundation to see if macrobiotics "...would improve the quality of the months remaining to me". Michio Kushi, the leader of the international macrobiotic movement...took my pulse very carefully and spent a long time examining my skin...I said "Well, can macrobiotics cure my cancer?"

"Your body can, he said."

'Now...I am feeling fit and well... I've had full blood counts and there is no evidence of cancer...they asked me to talk to some GPs on a refresher course. One of them said, "I don't believe you ever had cancer." So I showed them my biopsy report and introduced them to my surgeon. They said "spontaneous regression".
Dr.Faulkner was still alive seven years later.

'Five years ago Ann Francis...was told by a bully-boy at Stoke Manderville Hospital that the bladder cancer (operated on in April 1990) was a "fast-growing" variety which would be back to the same size within two months if I didn't have radiation! I refused radiation and told him I proposed to rely on my immune system, whereupon he said: "You have no immune system." Charming, wasn't it? Some less well-informed patient might have believed him and really panicked.


In 1535 the French explorer Jacques Cartier and his expedition were frozen in the ice off the St. Lawrence river. 25 of the 110 crew were dead from scurvy and the rest were due to follow. At this point a friendly Native American came forward with a potion made from the needles and bark of the white pine, rich in ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. This produced a dramatic recovery.

When Cartier returned to Europe and reported to the medical mandarins they were amused by the 'witch-doctor cures of ignorant savages' and went on with their search for mystery toxins and bugs lurking in the dark hold of the ships. 260 years later, after the British Navy alone had lost over a million men to scurvy, the practice of carrying oranges, lemons and limes on board ship led to the 'limeys' ruling the waves.

Scurvy - vitamin C; pellagra - vitamin B3; night-blindness - vitamin A; rickets - vitamin D; beri beri - vitamin B1; pernicious anemia - vitamin B12. It should have needed no great intellectual leap to suspect that another chronic, metabolic disease - cancer - might also be a vitamin-specific deficiency disease.

The use of certain fruit kernels in the treatment of cancer goes back to the Emperor herbalist Shen Nung in the 28th century BC. 'Bitter almond water' features in the writings of the physicians of ancient Egypt, Arabia, Rome and Greece. Celsus, Galen, Scribonious Largus, Pliny the Elder, Avicenna and Marcellus Empiricus all used preparations based on the seeds of the bitter almond, apricot, peach etc.35

In 1952 the American biochemist Ernst Krebs PhD proposed that cancer was a deficiency disease: the deficiency being the factor linked for so long with cancer therapy. He identified the substance as part of the nitriloside group specifically, amygdaline, a cyanogenic glycoside first isolated, from the bitter almond, prunus amygdalus amara, in 1830 by the French chemists Robiquet and Boutron-Charland. Its chemical structure is D(1)-mandelonitrile-B-D-glucosido-6-6-B-glucoside, as recorded in the Merck Index, 1976.

Toxicologically, amygdaline falls between Class 1 and Class 2,36 which means it is virtually non-toxic. This compares with saccharin, between Class 3 and Class 4 and most 'chemotherapy': Class 6 - super toxic.
The Hunzas, a cancer-free society in the Himalayas , consume up to forty apricot kernels as an after-dinner snack. Coupled with the rest of their amygdaline-rich diet this constitutes an ingestion of 50 to 70 milligrams of the substance per day.

According to Krebs: 'There are many of us in the western world who do not ingest this amount in the course of an entire year.'

Traditional Eskimos, the Hopi and Navajo tribes, the Abkhasians of the Caucasus Mountains and other notably cancer-free groups have amygdaline-rich diets.

After taking into account the required factors, Krebs allocated his substance the next available number on the vitamin B index: 17. He named his concentrated amygdaline preparation, Laetrile.

As many of the world's cancer-free societies are outside of the polluted environment and distinctly advantaged in the quest to remain healthy, a group of Americans began, in the 1950s, to test Krebs' theory:

'For over two decades there has been a steadily-growing group of people who have accepted the vitamin theory of cancer and who have altered their diets accordingly. They represent all walks of life, all ages, both sexes, and reside in almost every advanced nation of the world. It is estimated that there are many thousands in the United States alone. It is significant, therefore, that after starting and maintaining a diet rich in vitamin B17, none of these people have ever been known to contract cancer.'37

Dr. Dean Burk, then head of the NCI, said he had been contacted, during the space of 12 months, by at least 750 people, including many MD physicians most of whom were 'using it (B17) merely with prevention of development of cancer in view.'38

One of the first doctors to use Laetrile in the control of cancer was Dr. Maurice Kowan. This landed him in court in Los Angeles . The prosecutor told the jury: 'This is not a kindly old man. This is the most thoroughly evil person the imagination can concoct...This man has to be stopped. He is very dangerous. The way to stop him is a guilty verdict.'39 Dr Kowan was heavily fined and, at the age of 70, sentenced to two months in prison.

The basis used by the cancer mafia for the attack on Dr. Kowan was a falsified report produced by two doctors, Garland and MacDonald in 1953. The two, who had ideal credentials by way of their being involved in surgery and radiation and in the promotion of cigarettes as a health measure, produced a report which stated that no evidence of anti-cancer changes were observed by the consultants using Laetrile: a report found, later, to be demonstrably fraudulent but which has been quoted religiously by vested cancer interests.

Nemesis took her revenge in appropriate fashion on the two, one with lung cancer and one in a fire suspected as being caused by a cigarette.

Dr. John A. Richardson began to use B17 in the summer of 1971. His first patient was the sister of one of his nurses: a case of advanced malignant melanoma of the arm. She had been given around six weeks to live with a little longer if she had the arm amputated.

Amygdaline was administered and almost immediately the lesions began to heal. Within two months her arm had returned to normal…'39

The woman was also a diabetic who, after the treatment, controlled her disease without insulin. When she returned to her original doctor he still wanted to amputate: she declined the offer.


All animal foods not organically grown - meat, milk, cheese, butter, eggs, fish...and the derivatives - whey, egg albumen, gelatin...etc. These products are a fibreless mixture of saturated fats, cholesterol, steroid growth-promoters/vaccine/antibiotic/ pesticide/herbicide etc. residues, mastitis pus, disinfectant, salmonella, listeria, campylobacter, E coli 0157, etc., etc…

Refined carbohydrates - sugar, white flour, bread, biscuits, cakes etc.
Synthetic food additives-preservatives, colorants, etc. READ THE LABELS

Food prepared or contained in aluminum, copper, non-stick cookware or prepared in microwave ovens; smoked foods; very hot food and drinks. Use salt, celery, parsley, parsnips, deep-fried foods…in strict moderation. Utensils washed in washing-up liquid must be very thoroughly rinsed; in preference, use washing soda, soap flakes etc.


Organically-grown, if possible, fruit, vegetables, peas, beans, rice: chemically-grown carrots are out. Non-organic cabbage, broccoli, sprouts, mushrooms etc. should be boiled for a couple of minutes in salted water, drained and rinsed, then cooked. Lettuce and similar foods which cannot be cleansed with this process or peeled should be home-grown or avoided.

Emphasize raw foods; whole grain breads, miso.

Ezekiel Bread and Essene Breads are considered to be such excellent sources of ALL the needed vitamins, minerals and proteins, that on those breads alone along with purified water, a person can live and gain health.

Eat B17 foods regularly - seeds of apricot, peach, plum, cherry, apple; sprouted alfalfa, mung and wheat seeds; millet, lentils, watercress, lima beans, blackeyed peas, broccoli, cabbage, buckwheat, flax seed, linseed etc.

Garlic is the supreme plant from a physician's and a cook's point of view: eat it raw, cooked: grow it: use it as a medicine for everything from cancer and tuberculosis to coughs, colds, infections, high blood pressure, whooping cough, chemical/heavy metal/radiation detoxification etc., etc.

Use some form of water filter if only a jug type: areas where fluoride-waste has been dumped in the public drinking water supply will require reverse osmosis or distillation to remove the chemical.

Look after the liver: take the juice of a lemon in water on rising; wait a half hour before taking breakfast.

Fast one or two days per month on purified water or pure fruit juice; or per week if the will power is there.


Gather unpolluted nettles, dandelion, chickweed, nasturtium, carrot tops, cabbage etc.; wash well, blend with water, put through coarse sieve, drink: put the residue, in small amounts, in the dog's/cat's meal and help avoid the vet's bills and a sick/prematurely-dead animal - from the effects of the vet's treatment.

Chew all food thoroughly and slowly; without distraction from the television, radio, newspapers or relatives.
Alcoholic drinks, preferably organically produced, in moderation and in the evenings can be immuno-supportive and a relatively safe, effective soporific, cleanser and sedative.

Prof. Aviles, of the Mexican Cancer Biochemistry Dept., saw 7,715 cancer patients over 15 years: 99% suffered chronic constipation, the degree of malignancy parallel to the intensity of the constipation. Colon cleanliness is fundamentality important to the prevention of cancer and other chronic, degenerative diseases: anyone on Doctor's Balanced Diet or worse, for decades, might well be carrying 5 to 25 pounds - or more - of rotting waste in the colon; poisoning and robbing the system of nutrients. A herbal/ nutritional cleansing regime will remove the residue in time.


Herbal treatments are part of the nutritional approach to cancer control. Other than garlic and cayenne, specifics for cancer include red clover, periwinkle, yellow dock, dandelion, mistletoe, violet, blue flag, purple cone flower, golden seal, sage, etc. - as part of a total holistic package.

The full, original ESSIAC formula contains sheep's sorrel, Turkish rhubarb, burdock, slippery elm, water cress, kelp, red clover and blessed thistle. The first four are the ones used, usually, today. Proprietary brands may have substitutes in their formulae.

Herbs should be bought from a reliable source, with guarantees that they have not been fumigated or irradiated.
Herb mixtures need to be prepared carefully with regard to the instructions laid down by those experienced in their usage. They work slowly, with the inherent healing force, to restore harmony within the body.


Wear cotton or other natural material next to the skin. Expose the eyes to natural light as often as possible, without spectacles or contact lenses.


Health is multi-dimensional: harmony is needed on all the planes; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Continued stress, whether it be caused by cigarette smoke or memories of childhood unhappiness, will, if the pre-disposition is there, lead to a breakdown of the cancer control mechanism.

Suppressed negative emotions - grief, resentment, jealousy, anger, fear...can poison just as effectively as junk food or junk medicine or environmental pollution.

The difference between what is important and what is less so must be understood: important things are smelling flowers, talking to cats and dogs, watching insects, standing in the woodland stream, writing and reading poetry...

OPCS MB1 series.
2. Guardian 29 Sep. 1990
3. Canine Health Census Longnor Debys.
4. C.E. Perkins US govt. chemist
5. Burk/Yiamouyiannis. National Health Federation
Dr. R. Mendelson Univ. of Chicago
Andrew Forest , Regius Professor Clin. Surgery Edin.
8. Critical look at Cancer Coverage. Greenberg D.
Dr Theodore Miller
10. Dr Alexander Brunschwig
11. Health of the Nation Report 1991
Chemotherapy Cruelty BCCS newsletter 1985
The Drug Story . Morris Beale
14. Gould Dr.D. New Scientist 2 10 76
Daily Mirror 6 4 81
16. Western Morning News 14 11 94
Ernst T. Krebs PhD
18. Lancet 8 Sep 1990 .
19. Dept. of Physics/physiology Univ. Calif. Berkeley
20. You Can Fight Cancer and Win. Brody/Holleb 1977.
21. Letter to author July 1985
22. The Houston/Null Analysis
Mass Mammography Skrabanek P. Univ. Dublin
Taking Liberties BBC 2 TV 1995
25. Glasser Dr. R. paediatrician
Von Hofman 1976.
27. Gusberg S.B Cancer 65 1990
Times 12 Oct 1995 .
29. Cancer. Bruess Publishers 1982
Cassidy/Rayment Sunday Times
31. Medical Review 1953
Gerson Dr. M. 1958
Topic of Cancer Richards B.A. Pergamon Press
Western Morning News 14 11 1994
The Cancer Syndrome. Moss Grove Press 1982
US Reg. of Toxic Effects Chem. Subs. 1976
World Without Cancer Griffin Amer. Media '80
38. Letter to Congressman Lou Frey 30 5 1972
Laetrile Case Histories Bantam Books 77
40. Acres Magazine USA Aug 78
Dr Vernon Colemam F.R.S.M.
Dr Alec Forbes
43. Dr Bruce Halstead
44. Dr. G.L. Glum Nexus Dec '93  

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The reader is cautioned that this is not an all-inclusive reference, but a necessarily selective source of information intended to suggest the scope of the issue herein.

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