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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Women's Health  C2002 Dr. Alva Irish

95% of all Women and the same percentage of men are complaining about Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  WHY?

Well, that is why I am writing this article.

First let's see what it is:

Many people have irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. IBS is called a functional disorder. That means doctors cannot see anything wrong with the colon during an exam. The exam cannot explain why a person is having symptoms, such as pain, bloating, and diarrhea. People who have IBS get symptoms over and over again for a long time. No one knows what causes it, but there are ways to treat it.

If you can say the following statements, you have IBS.

Over Ten Different Symptoms

  • Severe bloating - every time I eat food my stomach doubles in size
  • Severe stomach cramps/abdominal pain - I have constant aches and pains after eating
  • Constipation - I notice I suffer from this after eating processed foods
  • Lower back pain - I have constant aches in the lower part of my back
  • Diarrhea - this alternates with constipation
  • Groin pain - a constant ache around my groin area
  • Shooting pains in my legs - sometimes severe, and sometimes in the lower back
  • Chronic fatigue - I constantly feel like I had no energy
  • Panic attacks and heart palpitations - the most scariest of all symptoms
  • Light headiness after eating -  a strange feeling after eating?
  • Heartburn and acid stomach -  I've suffered from these for over 10 years

"I had frequent urination, pain and general discomfort [diarrhea, abdominal pain]. Eventually, digestive system suffered complete collapse and so began my IBS. I underwent blood tests and my GP eventually confirmed IBS as nothing else could be found. The whole experience was very traumatic for me as my family has a history of cancer and I obviously assumed the worst." Maureen

"Over a period of several years, my symptoms got worse and worse. I think the final straw was taking several courses of antibiotics for a suspected urine infection. After taking the antibiotics, all my symptoms got worse - the diarrhea became chronic, the stomach and back pain increased dramatically, the groin pain was nearly constant, and I had shooting pains in my arms and lower back now!"  Pauline

"At this stage I seriously thought I had something very serious - possibly cancer. So I had to do something about it. Eventually I saw four doctors, had numerous blood tests and physical examinations, and was even admitted to the local hospital. After more tests I was eventually diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and depression. "  Janice

Most of the books and articles you read repeat the same old stuff: "IBS is a dysfunctional bowel, with no known cause or cure".

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder; it's not a disease like Crohn's Disease where the small intestine is inflamed. IBS sufferers do not suffer from inflamed intestines, although the symptoms of IBS and Crohn's (and other digestive disorders) can be very similar.

IBS can only be described by its symptoms: persistent abdominal pain, diarrhea and/or constipation, bloating, and possibly other symptoms but these are the main ones. A person is usually diagnosed with IBS if they have the above symptoms and no disease or other reason has been found for the disorder. 

It's important to realize that irritable bowel syndrome is only diagnosed after other disorders and diseases have been eliminated. So put simply, IBS is recurrent symptoms of diarrhea/constipation, abdominal pain, bloating where no 'real disease' has been found. Thus, IBS is a catch-all term for a number of possible digestive disorders.

What are the Typical Symptoms of IBS Sufferers?

Typical symptoms of IBS sufferers can be divided into two groups - primary and secondary.

Primary symptoms include:

  • Stomach/abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea and/or Constipation
  • Bloating
  • Excessive gas

Secondary symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Lower back pain
  • Shooting pains
  • Heartburn
  • Acid stomach
  • HeadachesNausea
  • Groin pain

Stomach/abdominal pain:

I've found via research and personal experience that there are two main sources of stomach/abdominal pain. The two sources are bowel spasm and increased digestive tract sensitivity or hypersensitivity. 

Diarrhea: The diarrhea is caused by uncontrolled bowel spasm. When the bowel goes into spasm, stools are not properly formed and excess fluid is not absorbed leading to watery stools - diarrhea.

Constipation: There are number of possible causes of constipation including: altered digestive chemistry and intestinal flora, low fluid and fiber intake, loss of body salts, etc.

Bloating: Bloating can be caused by trapped gas in the stomach or bowels. The gas is caused by undigested or partly digested food being fermented by bacteria or fungal overgrowth. Another cause of bloating is bowel distention. If the bowel goes into spasm, it can 'stick out' giving the appearance or feeling of bloating.

Excessive gas: Excessive gas is caused by undigested or partly digested food being fermented in the large intestines.

NOW Let's find the CAUSE!  

GM crop DNA found in human gut bugs
ANDY COGHLAN / New Scientist 18jul02

For the first time, it has been proved that bacteria in the human gut can take up DNA from genetically modified food.
Opponents of GM foods say the results vindicate their warnings that this might happen, and that the risk of gut bacteria scavenging antibiotic resistance genes from GM food is no longer theoretical.
"This is a first," says Adrian Bebb of the Friends of the Earth. "We've said time and time again there's a risk of this happening. Now, they've looked just once and they've found it."

Burger and shake

Harry Gilbert and colleagues at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne made the discovery, after feeding volunteers with a burger and a milk shake containing GM Soya products. To see how the GM food was dealt with by different parts of the digestive system, he gave the food to 12 healthy volunteers and to seven volunteers who had previously had their colons surgically removed. When he examined stools from the healthy volunteers, he found traces of DNA from the GM food. He also found evidence that gut bacteria had taken up the DNA. When he examined waste products collected from the seven ileostomy bags, he found that up to 3.7 per cent of the GM DNA survived. Crucially, in three of the seven, he found that bacteria had taken up GM DNA from the Soya.

He concludes that the DNA must have been taken up only by large proportions of gut bacteria.

Destructive enzyme

To account for the differences between the "ileostomists" and volunteers with intact digestive systems, Gilbert's team speculates that DNA survives the small bowel but gets completely destroyed in the large bowel. They say in a draft manuscript that people with ileostomies might produce less of the enzyme that degrades DNA.

In a separate experiment on colonies of intestinal cells, Gilbert's team showed that raw loops of GM DNA called plasmids can be taken up directly. Bacteria containing the same plasmids proved totally capable of transferring their genetic cargo into the gut cells. "These data support the view that GM Soya represents a significant risk to human health through gene transfer," says the Gilbert team.

Frightening?  You BET!

So what can we do about this problem?

First of all, you have to clean out your bowels. It may be too late to keep Genetic damage from being done, as we cannot go back in retrospect and undo all that.

BUT, cells in the intestine have an average life span of 120 days.

New cells then replace the ones that have reached the end of their lifespan.

SO... If these cells have genetic damage, and you have changed things around to correct the problem that caused your IBS in the first place, it theoretically will only take 120 days to do it!

Let's Get Crackin!

Here are the steps to permanently remove IBS from your life:

  • Do the Bowel Cleanse
  • Eat ONLY Organically grown foods
  • Eat plenty of intestine active rich foods such as Acidophilus capsules, of course, Yoghurt, Acidophilus milk, kefir, koumiss, beverages based on bulgaricus or bifidus strains, labneh, and sour cream. The best way to get these products is to make your own!
  • Drink Cultured buttermilk every day, at least 3 glasses, one at each meal
  • Do food combining to eat, at every meal.
  • Tanalbit taken on a daily basis for a period of at least 6 weeks. Tanalbit® is an effective, non-prescription plant tannin formula for the treatment of Candidiasis and similar gastrointestinal problems caused by bacterial and/or fungal infestations of the gastrointestinal tract. Tanalbit ® is also extremely helpful in the following problems: toxicity buildup, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), "Leaky Gut" syndrome, Colitis, Intestinal Dysbiosis, food allergies. Tanalbit ® is also a chronic fatigue fighter, as Candidiasis is often implicated as the cause or contributing to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well as FMS (fibromyalgia syndrome).

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The reader is cautioned that this is not an all-inclusive reference, but a necessarily selective source of information intended to suggest the scope of the issue herein.

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